Sunday, March 27, 2011

Winter Boondocking in WNY

We are currently in upstate Western New York south of Buffalo. This is a beautiful part of the country although we do not recommend winter boondocking unless your RV is winter ready. We have boondocked in colder climates in the past and have learned some valuable lessons about winter boondocking or RV camping in general . Some of the advice we would like to share to ensure your RV, travel trailer, etc. is winter ready.

1.) Make sure your water storage grey, black and fresh compartments are heated, even if this means setting up small portable heaters in each compartment. The small cube style ceramic heaters work perfect for this.

2.) Another helpful idea and one that we made with supplies from the hardware store is an insulated water hose for locations where a water source is available. We made ours with a 12 foot garden hose, we then purchased a pipe heater used for keeping pipes from freezing (the kind that is fastened or spiral wrapped to a pipe and plugged into an AC outlet), then we used foam pipe insulation to cover it and wrapped it with water proof duct tape.

3.) For extended stays we also suggest purchasing a propane fitting called the "Stay-A-While" coupler so you do not have to drive your motor home to town every time you need propane. This device will allow you to connect an aux. propane tank that can easily be taken to town and filled.

4.) We also suggest investing in heavy winter curtains or shades to help insulate and save on heating.

These are just some of the things we do to deal with the cold when we are winter boondocking. Have fun and stay warm.

Best Boondocking,

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